TF05 Inclusive digital transformation

Inclusive digital transformation

TF5 centers its efforts on elaborating recommendations with a view to leveraging digital innovations to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, while ensuring inclusivity and ethical considerations. It aims to influence the work of the Digital Economy Working Group of the G20 Sherpa Track.

Key focus areas within this task force encompass:

  1. Digital Inclusion and Meaningful Universal Connectivity (Co-chair:Alison Gillwald - Research ICT Africa, South Africa); (Members: Alexandre Barbosa -, Brazil and Christian Kastrop -Global Solution Initiative, Germany):
    Recognizing the significance of access to digital tools and connectivity, the task force aims to promote ideas for meaningful and universal connectivity, ensuring no one will be left behind in the digital era. SDG 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 and 17. 

  2. Digital Transformation and Platformization of Public Services (Co-chair: Astha Kapoor - Aapti, India); (Members: Caroline Khene - IDS, England and Carolina Rossini - Datasphere, Switerzland):
    Exploring the potential of digital transformation in enhancing public services through platformization, the task force seeks to develop policy proposal that can make government services more accessible, effective, and user-friendly. SDG 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 16. 

  3. Digital Integrity, Data Protection, and Cybersecurity (Co-chair: Teki Akuetteh - Africa Digital Rights Hub, Ghana); (Members: Luca Belli - CTS, Brazil and Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna - Future Privacy Forum, Global):
    Emphasizing the importance of safeguarding digital integrity, the task force addresses concerns related to trust in technology, privacy and cybersecurity in the digital realm. SDG 3, 4, 9, 11, 16 and 17. 

  4. New Digital Technologies for SDGs and Decent Work (Co-chair: Celina Bottino - ITS, Brazil); (Members: Ramiro Albrieu - Rede Sur, Argentina and Mark Graham - Oxford Internet Institute, England):
    Exploring the intersection of digital technologies and sustainable development, efforts are made to harness these technologies to achieve the SDGs while ensuring decent work opportunities for all. All SDGs. 

  5. Challenges, Opportunities, and Governance of Artificial Intelligence (Co-chair: Boye Adegoke - PIN - Paradigm Initiative, Nigeria); (Members: Stephanie Ifayemi - Partnership on AI, USA and Tainá Junquilho - Brazilian Institute of Education, Development, and Research (IDP), Brazil):
    Delving into the complexities of artificial intelligence, the task force will evaluate its challenges and opportunities while advocating for ethical governance frameworks that ensure responsible AI development and deployment. SDG 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17. 

  6. Global Digital Governance and Regulation of Digital Platforms (Co-chair: Anita Gurumurthy - IT for Change, India); (Members: Fernanda Martins - InternetLab, Brazil and Maria Paz Canales - Global Partners Digital, UK/Global):
    Addressing the need for global governance structures in the digital sphere, the task force will examine ways to regulate digital platforms to promote fairness, transparency, and accountability. SDG 9, 10, 12 and 16. 

By engaging with these vital sub-topics, the T20 Task Force endeavors to navigate the landscape of digital transformation, ensuring that technological advancements contribute positively to the realization of the SDGs while prioritizing inclusivity, ethics, and responsible governance in the digital age.

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Bruno Bioni
Co-executive director and founder-Professor, Data Privacy Brasil & ESPM
Anirban Sarma
Deputy Director, Observer Research Foundation (ORF)


Jaqueline Trevisan Pigatto
Governance and Regulation Coordinator, Data Privacy Brasil